1. Purchasing from our platform is totally at your own discretion.
  2. Before purchasing from us, please register in our website to ensure a seamless and quick delivery of your items. The registration will require you to include
    a. Your Name
    b. Email / Contact No
    c. Delivery/Home Address
  3. The pricing mentioned on our website is subject to change based on offers, discounts, availability of stocks and the prevailing market.
  4. The product information provided on our website is only for suggestive use and it is not in any way or form, a recommendation.
  5. We do not guarantee that our drugs/medicines will always work for the patient.
  6. Do get in touch with a doctor, dermatologist or a medical practitioner to prescribed or recommend you the drugs before purchasing from us.
  7. We cannot be held liable in any way if you don’t get the desired effects after using the product.
  8. The pictures posted on the product description page are for reference purposes only
  9. We do not confirm the benefits of using any drug from our website.
  10. Through our website, we do not provide any recommendation or branding of drugs of a certain company.
  11.  For recommendation of brands, type and/or dosage please refer to your doctor, dermatologist or medical practitioner for advice.
  12. Do show us the prescription given from either a doctor, dermatologist or medical practitioner before purchasing from us.